Scientology ex Scientologist Aaron Smith-Levin, mostly at the youtube channel about Scientology growing and growing up in Scientology twitter in growingupinSCN sometimes short-sighted and destructive just erasing contents that really could have helped against the Scientology Hate websites the church put up on the web. But now AaronSmith-Levin understand what he did wrong and is sometimes even sorry he says while looking at the portrait of L Ron Hubbard LRH, the author and founder of Dianetics and Scientology. But now he is an ex Scientologist. Clearwater Florida USA sometimes
Mina favoritbloggar:
> Scientology Motivering:
Scientology, scientologist facts from history and on...
> scientology L Ron Hubbard Motivering:
Scientology Scientologist what is L Ron Hubbard Dianetics as best with
> SCIENTOLOGY LRH Clear Dianetics Motivering:
Scientology clearing dianetics is a joke for the scientologist but here LRH L Ron Hubbard gets the change to get clear from the ideology he himself created. Clearwater florida Usa exiting place to be
Clearwater Florida blogging about lite as a ex sea org member in Scientology. Scientologist beliefs and what Scientology really is by Aaron Smith-Levin. From Sea-org member via dianetics auditing and Scientology. L Ron Hubbard Dianetics clear by Scientology facts on the table.
Some say Ex-Scientologists are just as self-centered as an Scientologist but i think that's wrong. The active Scientologist tends to be more into that said my last e-meter session from another life. So who can say what to any when reality is that spooky & I own the right turns in the direction LRH URL: Atom/RSS:
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januari, 2017 Proffs/privat:
Aaron Smith-Levin usually analyzes hedge fond's and monetary resources, not just the ABS Traction of assets backed securities. As a former believer in Scientology he got a Scientology hate website in his name AaronSmith-Levin just some hours after being taking parts in the Leah Remini TV-Show Scientology the Aftermath. Clearwater fl or Europa north.
URL: Atom/RSS:
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januari, 2017 Proffs/privat:
At a December 2nd City Council meeting, Aaron Smith Levin explained to council members, why he decided to run for City Council. Taking a stand for clearwater.
Visit my campaign website for the Clearwater City Council. I invite you to look around and get to learn more about me and what I stand for. As your next City Council member, I want to represent YOU! So if you have any questions or would like to volunteer, feel free to reach out to me and URL: Atom/RSS:
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januari, 2022 Proffs/privat: