Hej. Jag bloggar om allt som har med datorer att göra allt från program till spel recensioner jag hjälper er dator att bli snabbar virussäkrare och lättare att använda
Hej. Jag bloggar om allt som handlar om internet och datorer jag hjälper din dator att precessera bättre snabbare och virussäkrare jag recenserar allt från photoprogram,virusprogram till online spel URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
augusti, 2010 Proffs/privat:
"I will now realese a full working cs 1.6 hack... aimbot,no smoke. and many more features... Download the hack from Extract it to somewhere on your computer ..."
"Hello. Today will i release a new virus program that i havent seen or heard that much about but im using it. It's called microsoft security essentials! it's working really great and its better then all thoose other free programs like avg,Avast,Norton ..."
"Ive been testing the online free war game now... I think its really funny and well made for a free game so its deffintly a good game to checkout if you are in to online war games as i can say it's a mix of CoD and Battlefield. I really think that this ..."