Madeleine B Bergström arbetade för SAF och Industriförbundet när hon drabbades av artros - men att det var artros var det ingen som visste då. Läkarna trodde att det var en trivial åkomma och menade att hon kunde träna bort det. Madeleine blev allt sjukare, men ingen trodde att det var något fel på henne.
Very little is written about living with osteoarthritis. And even less is written by the patients themselves. This blog is for all who suffer from osteoarthritis, primarily of the hips, for their fellow humans and for everyone working in the medical professions. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
oktober, 2010 Ort:
Borgeby Proffs/privat:
"Went to a lecture in Malmö (southern Sweden) today. It was very good, but what made me most happy was bumping into an old friend. She had not seen me after the hip replacement operations. And what a difference she saw, at once! It made me SO HAPPY!"
"Went to a lecture the other evening. Very interesting, unfortunately not all that many people there. So what I did was noticed, of course. After sitting there for over an hour, my head was still clear and alert, but sadly my legs began giving trouble."
"What? How can that be? Well, of course I’m talking about my new hip joints. They are without osteoarthritis nowadays. But instead, they now have hip implants, which I want to take great care of, so that they work as long as ever possible. Unnecessary ..."