A day in the life of the only 2 hills in Stockholm. Giving you an inside view from a non-Swede about living in Sweden. URL:
http://2hillsinstockholm.blogspot.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2011 Ort:
Stockholm Proffs/privat:
"Finally I am not a moose virgin anymore. I saw my first moose in the wild. Okay I was sitting in a train going 150 km per hour but in a field he was standing nicely high on his feet minding his own business. I live now for almost five years in Sweden ..."
"In the last couple of years have I been working in a real roller coaster job. And it is coming to an end now in december 2015. Even though it has been the most frustrated job I had, it made my transition into Sweden easier and I can be thankfull for ..."