Guru, tekniker, en som hållit på med Internet sedan 1987. Rådgivare åt alla som är snälla och lyssnar. Senast tre år rådgivare åt Regeringen som medlem i den IT-Politiska Strategigruppen
Tankar om vad som gått fel, hur man skulle gjort, framtidens Internet, och beskrivning (dagbok) av hur jag kämpar för att vi ska komma dit. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
oktober, 2005 Proffs/privat:
"So Frobbit! this last weekend started to use HTTPS “all over the place” thanks to Let’s Encrypt . The launch will be gradual because there are so many software packages that are completely broken in design, have bugs, errors, do not use proper ..."
"I have earlier described how I manage my email. That was a kind of abstract description, so let me explain again, this time with explicit examples from my use of the excellent email client MailMate on Mac. To start with, I use IMAP and sort email in ..."
"Today Feb 7, 2016, I am together with Anders Ahlqvist, Swedish Police, and Jon Karlung, CEO of the ISP Bahnhof, writing an article in Swedish on why blocking is the wrong path forward. You can find the article in Swedish here , and below a translation ..."