Möten med intressanta människor. Intryck från olika resor. Länkar till bilder. Glädje över härlig skärmflygning. Se där vad som kan rymmas i en blogg. Och en hel del till, alldeles säkert.
Jag skriver på engelska eftersom många vänner inte talar svenska. URL:
http://www.waterglobe.blogspot.com Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2006 Proffs/privat:
"This weekend we drove to Flensburg by the Danish border and acquired a most beautiful new family member – Ms Simson Schwalbe, born 1983 and in the colors of red and cream white. Together with this DDR beauty we will ride to different swimming lakes ..."
"The last year my business has developed in several directions, with books and filming in the forefront. Today we released the latest book, Tobias Dahlin's beautiful photo story about the underwater world of West Sweden, Västerhavet – En hotad skönhet ."
"Today, we are releasing Tobias Dahlin's fantastic book "Västerhavet – En hotad skönhet" at Hasselblad Center in Gothenburg. Come and join us between ..."