Johanna heter jag och har precis startat min blogg för att få utlopp för mina stora passion; bakning, samla recept från tidningar och internet, bak program på tv och självklart att äta dessa ljuvliga skapelser.
En blogg om pajer, bakver, kakor, bullar och allt annat sött deremellan som sätter smak på tillvaron. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2011 Proffs/privat:
"Spring is here with lots of sunshine (erhm I wish...) but it's warmer outside and while waiting for the sun to come out, we can at least enjoy these little sunshine muffins with fresh lemon flavours.These little goodies are my contribution to Månadens ..."
"Is there a better way to start your day than freshly baked bread rolls?! With a nice breakfast, I can sit down, relax, and enjoy myself for hours, or until it's time for lunch:-)...if it's a weekend that is. Today, it's my moms birthday so I prepared ..."
"In Sweden we call this cake "Tiger Cake" since the cake has stripes similar to a tiger. Is this cute or not?! :-) It's a perfect mix between lemon sponge cake and chocolate sponge cake. It's like eating two cakes at the same time! This is my ..."