With over 7 million viewers at her youtube channel, and known internationally Adora BatBrat is a goth personality, entrepreneur, model and mother of 3 lovely kids.
She is a self-proclaimed goth version of Martha Stewart and according to Perez Hilton's blog; a vampire. URL:
http://adorabatbrat.blogspot.se/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2010 Ort:
Karlskrona Proffs/privat:
"Don't be too chocked, but I'm actually starting to blog again! Please join me there my dear Goths, alternatives and happy and pretty people in general."
"Now you think I'm full of it - but I'm not! I have eaten humans - several times. Boiled, fried and smoked. My favorite is boiled. My grandpa Harry was a hobby fisherman. He told me several times about how in the old days when you wanted to get eal you ..."
"Well, this is another story that I need to tell...when I've stopped laughing about it. But this is also so annoying - apparently Blogspot/Blogger have decided I put up porn, sexy pictures, nudity and other "scary" things and sent me a mad mail. Whoot?!"