Jag driver sajten LINUX.EXTON.NET | Linux Live Systems. Därifrån kan 16 linuxsystem på svenska/engelska laddas ner gratis. Dessutom finns fyra EXTON multibootsystem – MASSLIN LiveBootDVD, EXTON MultiBootDVD, EXTON Ubuntu MultiBootDVD och EXTON MultiBootCD 9-OS. Av dessa multisystem måste tre BESTÄLLAS för hemleverans. (EXTON MultibootCD 9-OS kan hämtas gratis). OBSERVERA: Alla extondistar kan köras live. D v s direkt från skiva/USB-sticka. Du behöver alltså inte installera något till hårddisk om du inte vill.
"NEWS 210729 ABOUT Exton|OS with KDE Plasma Desktop , Android Studio and Refracta Snapshot The Desktop Environment in this Exton|OS build is KDE Plasma 5.18.4. Plasma is made to stay out of the way as it helps you get things done. But under its light and ..."
"NEWS 210710 ABOUT ExTiX LXQt Mini 21.7, Build 210710 I’ve made a new updated “mini” version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System . It is based on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Focal Fossa . The ISO file is of only 1000 MB, which is good if you want to run the ..."
"LFS EXTON Linux live DVD/USB is built using Linux From Scratch 10.1 and Beyond Linux From Scratch 10.1 (BLFS) , which has the latest Linux packages and scripts. LXDE and LightDM LFS EXTON uses LXDE as Desktop environment. LXDE is designed to be user ..."