Jag är konstnär, poet, amatörfotograf. Den här bloggen handlar om min resa i konstens väg och om mina reflektioner i både ord och bild. URL:
http://margarethosju.wordpress.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2013 Ort:
Tidaholm Proffs/privat:
Besök senaste veckan:
Placering privata,alla:744
Placering privata,Foto och konst:72
Placering privata,Hus och hem:130
Placering privata,Regional anknytning:25 1 bloggare har valt denna blogg som en av sina favoritbloggar:
> Michaela
"There has been much that has happened since the last update. There has been a lot of water that has flowed under the bridges. But lets return to the art. On June 6th, on Sweden’s national day, I will participate, along with several other talented ..."
"I was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude yesterday that I could not fall asleep. Creative thoughts twisted like carousel in my mind and gratitude rinsed like waves in my heart. Sleep? Well, I managed to sleep a few hours in the morning. I’m lucky I’m ..."
"I got my own studio! From next year I have my own studio. I feel grateful and touched, I will always be my landlords forever grateful. I can not believe that soon I can start painting again, create again. Oh so I have missed to create ! My thoughts are ..."