En 20-årig pojkflicka som älskar Japan. Också nörd. Vill bli författare/översättare/tolk. Försöker lista ut sitt liv och mestadels ha kul. Enjoy. Ålder:
34 E-post: Ort:
Livet efter en grundskola av enbart mobbning. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2007 Ort:
Lund Proffs/privat:
"1. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld , by Patricia A. McKillip. I have never ever heard of this book, yet it's marketed as a classic. It read like an old tale, sort of stilted and very proper language. The characters felt unfinished to me like their ..."
"To say I was excited for this game is an understatement. Ten years I've waited for this game! In 2022 I replated DAO and DA2 and this year I replayed DAI as preparation for this game's release. As usual I refrained from watching anything but the initial ..."