The Scientologist forum Scientology is all about the writings by L Ron Hubbard from Dianetics the modern "science" of mental health to Scientology up the bridge.
Scientologist Scientology forum Scientology hate websites what can be done about it?
Mina favoritbloggar:
> ScientologY Mike Rinder Motivering:
Scientology expert Mike Rinder knows all about the cult and the mindset of the Scientologist.
"Excerpt: This is quite strange. Scientology no longer publishes Hubbard’s Hymn of Asia for obvious reasons… Hubbard was never one to hide his light under a bushel. Pronouncing himself a doctor, nuclear physicist, war hero, master mariner, great ..."
"This video is only a few minutes long, but it exposes the levels of the absurdity coming from University Academics. My mind absolutely boggles at the premise of the study (or paper) and the conclusions drawn from it. This study came from an Australian ..."