A transgendered boi identified Norwegian with a passion for activism, traveling, human rights and linguistics writes about their transition from female to something else entirely, polyamory, BDSM, activism and random acts of weirdness. URL:
http://itsnotmyfault.wordpress.com Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2007 Proffs/privat:
"I’ll continue posting quick updates here for Jacky I’m seeing the endocrinologist on april 7th (I’ll probably take my first shot the same day) and I have a meeting with the surgeon (for chest reconstruction) on march ..."
"I can has diagnosis now. I can has referral letters to the endocrinologist, plastic surgeon and speech therapist. I threw up and cried, and I dont know what to write cause I feel kinda.. shaky."
"I had a meeting with my psychiatrist, a welfare worker and my handling officer from Forsäkringskassan (who gives me my sickness benefit). They are trying to figure out what to do with me, and I told them that I would want to have a fulltime job and a ..."