En del Lotus Notes, främst fokuserat på utveckling, lite rolig/udda information och lite privata tankar. URL:
http://blog.texasswede.com Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2008 Proffs/privat:
"[…] of the various solutions people have come up with for showing a progress bar. Here are two of them: Karl-Henry’s progress bar using Win32 APIs, Erdun Eruc’s progress bar using the print ..."
"Hi Karl, Here is the initial code of my schedule agent: Dim s As New NotesSession url = “https://covidtracking.com/api/states” Set http = s.CreateHTTPRequest() http.Timeoutsec = 100 HTTPResponse= http.get(url) ‘ Get the error message – Closing ..."