En blogg om saker som rör miljö och utveckling, med speciell fokus på biodiversitet (biologisk mångfald) och u-länder. URL:
http://theevolvingape.blogspot.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
januari, 2008 Proffs/privat:
"The day before yesterday (23rd) was the 1 year anniversary of the launch of this blog. I totally forgot about it, probably because it hasn’t felt like a whole year. Anyway I, The Evolving Ape, have to congratulate myself for sticking in there for so ..."
"The election in South Africa seems to have passed without any major incidence yesterday (although a Cope party member was shoot dead outside his home in Port Elizabeth). I predicted that ANC would get less then 50% this time around, but the primarily ..."
"Depeche Mode’s Sounds of the Universe was released today. It is my sad duty to inform you that this is the worst of the band’s 12 full-length albums. It seems like the momentum that was picked up during Playing the Angel is lost again, and the majority ..."