Birdseed's Tunedown är en blogg som tar populärmusiken på allvar. Olika möjliga infallsvinklar och fördjupande perspektiv på all möjlig populärmusik, från schlager till hip-hop. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
oktober, 2007 Ort:
Stockholm Proffs/privat:
"The fact that this blog has stopped functioning as such will come as no surprise to anyone, seeing as to things like, well, the fact that there have been no posts in over a year. I had immense fun writing here for three-and-a-bit years (over 300 posts!) ..."
"Another dance I have missed! It's the Brazilian extension of the Melbourne shuffle . Originally it seems to have been danced to hardstyle, but in a lot of more recent videos it's electro house instead: So far, so electro flogger , but the whole thing ..."
"I'm not sure how many of you've got Spotify , but if you do it might interest you to hear this playlist I put together of distinctly non-Balkan Beatsy Balkan music, from every interesting country except Albania/Kosovo whose Spotify presence is ..."