Mina främsta tidsfördriv är tv-spel, onlineshopping och surfande på diverse forum. Min blogg handlar om dessa ämnen och vissa stunder skriver jag till och med om seriösa saker. URL:
http://your-other-left.blogspot.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
oktober, 2006 Proffs/privat:
"It is the season of wardrobe posts again. Let's talk about the elephant in the collective lolita room: money spent on my wardrobe and what I actually got for the money I spent. ~*~ I know, we all know, that choosing lolita is a luxury. Lolitas spend ..."
"Wow, long time since last. But here I am! I have been thriving and leading a mostly quiet everyday life and I am quite happy with that. When it comes to my lolita resolutions from the past year, I once again set up attainable goals. ~*~ 2024 ..."
"Last year I made some resolutions for the new year and I set them at an attainable level. There is no need to be extreme, that would only make me demotivated to reach them. ~*~ Last year's resolutions: Buy nothing new that needs to be altered until ..."