Birdwatcher since early childhood, ringer and guide with Svartådalen as his turf. Mad about Cranes (his favourite bird),
Butterflies/ moths and feeding birds in the winter. Driven by the joy of sharing experiences in the nature with other people. His c.v. includes 12 years as a gourmet chef, a career as a newspaper journalist/photographer – and lately – serving as editor for the 2:nd biggest Bird Magazine in Sweden; Fågelvännen.
Welcome to my blog about birds, butterflies, moths and other aspects of nature that I mainly enjoy in Svartådalen – The Black River Valley, in the county Västmanland, Sweden. This is my turf, where I love to be, where me and my family have a house (in the lovely village Fläckebo), and where I also share a lot of nature experience with visiting people from all around. URL: Atom/RSS:
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januari, 2008 Ort:
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> Vin & Gastronomi
"The Common Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) is one of the most stunning butterflies in the north of Europe. It really looks too exotic to be flying even north of the Arctic circle…but it does. Normal years we get them from mid- late May. The cold period in ..."
"A Grey Phalarope from some arctic shore landed on a tiny islet in the inland lake Hjälmaren and spent at least 4 days. We got lucky to see it on it´s last evening present. It´s very unusual that rare waders in summertime spend more than one or two days."
"After many days of unsuccessful Harrier-hunting I finally found a breeding site yesterday. Interestingly also 2 females around the nesting site at the same time and after 3,5 hours of waiting the male came around a couple of times. Above all one of the ..."