Alldeles för hårt jobbande, sönderstressad miljö- och djurvänlig pessimist som tvivlar på det mesta men hoppas på det bästa. Försöker lära mig att tänka positivt genom att blogga om det jag gillar (även om det ofta slutar med att klagomål på det jag ogillar...)
When the world's BIG issues become too overwhelming, focus on the details!
"Always look on the bright side of things"? Well, that's easier said than done when you're an eternal pessimist and worrier setting impossible to achieve goals for yourself. This is my attempt to focus on the small things in life that keep me going even when I've run out of steam. URL: Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
september, 2005 Proffs/privat:
"As the seasons change, so do I. Or at least, I want to. Whether it's a new hair cut or colour, new resolution or some form of retail therapy, I regularly go through phases of trying to become a new me. Of course in reality I will always be the same me, ..."
"Hello, my name is Helena and I'm a workaholic. There, I've finally admitted it. I feel better already! It's funny really. This blog was supposed to be an antidote to my worries about the state of the planet, yet what did it turn into? A sort-of-antidote ..."
"I'm so cheating now: I have written about cats before, and about small furry animals in general, but my cat abstinence symptoms are getting worse and I need a good moan, so I'm going to ignore the fact that this isn't a new topic. The problem is this: ..."