The end is nigh and The Greatest Depression is closing in with millions of ferocious, unemployed, disillusioned and helplessly starving infected people erratically walking an unforgiving earth for years to come. Truth to be told we´re heading for a financial apocalypse because you, the people, believe in any tall tale The Powers That Be cables out. All we can do now is to wait for the fat lady to sing... URL: Atom/RSS:
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januari, 2009 Proffs/privat:
"War, war never changes. From our unseen masters, the evil miscreant psychopaths that dictate the course of our countries, to the duped masses of sheep, we have now reached the end. All those wars across the globe are not enough, the economic disaster ..."
"Sadly the plan to destroy the western world is now in full effect. The middle-age white christian male has been turned into a weakling that accept untested vaccines and agrees to fight fictitious enemies while his job, savings, and family is slowly ..."
"One of the sad facts about the last couple of years is that sanity has gone out the window. With sanity gone there is only one opinion allowed - the opinion of the central-left politically correct evildoers. If you are not a feminist, and if you do not ..."