En journal om en 100 dagars resa på cykel genom Vietnam och China. Uppdateras veckovis. Resan påbörjas April 2007 och avslutas i Juli 2007. URL:
http://www.100daysbybike.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
december, 2006 Proffs/privat:
"I'm glad to announce that the book '100 days on a bicycle' is available at the iBookstore for the iPad and iPhone as well as a Nook Book from Barnes & Nobles. Because of the lower price and the simplicity of purchasing an eBook, '100 days on a bicycle' ..."
"This blog finally became a book! With all the effort and time invested in this blog, why not turn it into a book? With all the respect for the immense digital revolution and the simplicity of spreading your words world-wide with just a few ..."
"I left Chengdu for Beijing well-rested, ready for new impressions and experiences, but slightly concerned about flying with the bicycle domestically. However, no issues surfaced, although I was surprised not to arrive at Beijing’s international airport."