Just a random compilation of opinions heading your way! All with a twist of humour. URL:
http://opinion-soup.blogspot.com/ Atom/RSS:
Atom/RSS Bloggen startade:
november, 2009 Proffs/privat:
"Hey there, internet! My name's Tristan. Although my name and profile picture may try to deceive you, I am a female. I've never had a blog before, besides Tumblr. I think Blogger may be a bit different from Tumblr. I have a humor/art/awesome blog. You ..."
"The Danish "Muhammad cartoonist", Kurt Westergaard, who got (in)famous for his involvement it the publications of caricatures of the Muslim prophet Mohammed in the Dane news paper "Jyllands-Posten" a few years back, was attached by a man armed with an ..."