På engelska om media & journalistik, marknadsföring, reklam & PR och hur dessa områden påverkas av sociala medier. Arbetar som PR-konsult och rådgivare inom sociala medier. URL:
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januari, 2004 Ort:
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"Each year, Pantone’s Color of the Year is revealed to the design and creator community —a single hue that, in the eyes of the global color authority, encapsulates the spirit and trends of the time. For 2024, the choice fell upon Peach Fuzz, a gentle ..."
"Vårdinnovation, a controversial Swedish health care company, created a fake Communications Officer because management didn’t want to be personally exposed in media. The company recently went bankrupt because of an alleged bribe scandal, created the ..."
"Whenever there is a major event, news story or a natural disaster like the hurricane Dorian, someone is going to try to take advantage of it to gain followers and reach on social media. Do you remember the fake photo of “Frankenstorm” hurricane Sandy , ..."