Scientology L Ron Hubbard Dianetics
Scientology news L Ron Hubbard is back
L Ron Hubbard Scientology E-meter auditing now shows that Dianetics and scientology really works. Giving the proof from Mr Hubbard's new reincarnation in another solar system, he sends greetings to David Miscavige and Scientologist that it all was a fraud going to far. LRH is the short name Lafayette Ronald Hubbard is the long name Elron used sometimes to the writer & founder of Dianetics and Scientology the Addict L Ron Hubbard he smoked in most days of his life and some even says it was not only the physical smog and poisons he share with the world, the old stage hypnotist also shared a sect and a cult philosophy that does not tell what it is really. Picture Scientology photoshopped image who also happens to show how headless Scientology is in images text and picture.URL:
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Bloggen startade: januari, 2017
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Humaniora och livsåskådning > Kyrkor, präster och församlingar
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Humaniora och livsåskådning > Religiösa bloggare
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> Aaron Smith-Levin
> Scientology David Miscavige Hubbard