David Lancelot Sjövall
A Freelancephotographers Life in Shots
David Lancelot Sjövall is a photographer from Malmö/Växjö in southern Sweden. Mostley I have worked for newspapermagazines, webdevelopments, personal projects, etcetera. I have specialiced myself in; toycameras, photoart, sceneartists, political-, nature-, insect- and abstract photographing. Wy? Because I am totaly attached to those photogenres and I feel free to express myself with both feelings and emotions in my photos within those genres. My first camera was a old analog Canon that my parents gave me when I was about 14 years old, yet I did not get any fancy for photographing untill four years later. Nowadays I have a strong addiction to digitalcameras - Nikon (D200 and D50), but also toycameras.URL: http://www.davidsjovall.info
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Bloggen startade: juli, 2006
Ort: Växjö
Proffs/privat: Privat